Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolution This…

Alright you resolution makers, here’s some food for thought. Instead of
setting yourself up for disappointment by committing (or making yourself
believe you are committed) to an unattainable goal – to simply ‘have’
a “New Year Resolution” like the rest of the Planet, why not try having a
{New Life Intent}? Think about it. Every night you go to bed – somehow
knowing, which there is no real way of doing this, that you will wake up
in the morning. When they said to us when we were little, “Today is the
first day of the rest of your life”, they weren’t kidding. Every day you
begin your life. (Profound isn’t it?) Instead of having a “resolution”,
make the intent to have a New Life. By month two, you are so over your
resolution because it feels like a chore. No one likes to do chores, and
if you do – then kudos. I do not. Let us also face the fact that if you
were so keen on this resolution you wouldn’t have waited till the New Year
to begin the work to accomplish it. Now, looking into ‘how’ to implement
a ‘New Life Intent’, all you need to do is –slow down-. Sometimes we,
especially mothers, are not aware of what we are doing. Auto-pilot somehow
has a way of taking over, and we never question it we simply just go
along. The result of this may not be seen immediately but the side effects
will eventually show. Depression, anxiety, ‘robot’ status really; you are
simply not your best, and you simply feel unfulfilled.
Apply attention, Be Mindful, to what you are doing –
apply attention to the infinite possibilities of your actions. Apply
attention to intention and see that life, all along, has been yours to
mold and shape. Pay attention to life around you as you begin to slow down
and give an invaluable gift to yourself and those around you – Mindfulness.

Happy New Life Intentions! {Love & Light}

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